Bridge Senior Living Community Locations

Change Your Address, Not
Your Lifestyle

As a regional leader in senior living communities, Bridge Senior Living offers more than a place to live—we offer a home. 

When you find your home with us, you’re not really moving away. You’re just changing addresses. That means you’ll still be close to the neighborhoods you love, your doctor, your favorite local spots, and your friends.

We call our approach Lifestyle Plus, where residents get the life they want with the support they need. Residents can order from our delicious and diverse menus, enjoy our curated experiences and events, and get the support they need, from daily assistance to our host of health and wellness programs made just right for every lifestyle. 

You can find brochures about the communities you’re interested in on their websites, which are all listed below. These information kits provide vital details about the services and amenities at each of our communities, including their range of lifestyles, including independent living, assisted living and personal care, and memory care.

Call us today. We’d love to show you and your family what our communities have to offer.

    Our Communities

    Our Communities

    Townehall Place of West Bloomfield

    Townehall Place of West Bloomfield

    • 4460 Orchard Lake Rd
    • West Bloomfield Township, MI 48323
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