Heritage Place Senior Living
in Fayetteville

Senior Living in Historic Fayetteville

Southern charm, friendships, and a carefree lifestyle abound at Heritage Place, a Somerby senior living community.

Nestled in the heart of Fayetteville’s Downtown Historic District, you and your fellow residents are just steps from the Cape Fear Botanical Garden, centuries-old cathedrals, and convenient shops and services.

At Heritage Place Senior Living, you can choose from either Independent or Assisted Living options, all filled with companionship, fellowship and life. Come and enjoy everything you’d want in a home in our warm and caring senior living community.

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View Our Floor Plans

Heritage Place offers a variety of floor plans suitable for every stage of your life. Spacious, warm, and inviting—and featuring the modern amenities you so richly deserve.

View our floor plans below: Starting at $2,495

Lifestyle plus

Lifestyle Plus

Purposeful Wellness

Discover holistic well-being through our diverse programs in fitness, therapy, and pharmacy services. We're committed to compassionate care, empowering you to achieve optimal wellness.

Chef-Prepared Dining

Our meals fuel the body and feed the soul, nurturing physical and emotional well-being. Enjoy culinary experiences curated by our esteemed executive chefs.

Events & Experiences

Explore the world of art through painting classes, local museum visits, and gallery tours, all while embracing the present moment.

Connection & Community

Engage in community activities to foster a sense of physical, emotional, and mental wellness that thrives. Stay connected and nurture your holistic health.

Contact Us & Get Our Brochure

Our Address

  • 325 N Cool Spring St
  • Fayetteville, NC 28301

Contact Information

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Learn more about our community, uncover our approach, and discover how we are dedicated to helping each resident live with ease and comfort.

Our brochures provide comprehensive information about joining our community. From our diverse floor plans, exceptional services, to the enriched lifestyles we offer, we guide you through the remarkable experience of living at Heritage Place Senior Living.

Complete our form to connect with our community and receive your complimentary brochure today.

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